Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Today we took a trip to Fresh Kills Park.  We recieved a tour of two of the four open secions.  The park is projected to be finished and fully open to the public in 2036. 

From the South Park mound we saw a very rare site indeed, all four bridges on Staten Island are visible at the same time. 

Fresh Kills Park has 2,200 acres (almost three times the size of Central Park) and the largest park building project in New York city in over 100 years.  Due to the fact that Fresh Kills used to be an enourmous landfill, much of the garbage that was kept there is still decomposing.  The gas released by this decomposition includes carbon dioxide and methane, which is fed into gas wells scattered throughout the park.  This gas is then collected, refined, and then sold as gas for homes.

We also learned that at Fresh Kills there are other ways Parks is working to remove invasive non-native species.  One such way is by importing a heard of goats to eat entire fields of weeds and garbage.  These goats seem to be extremely efficient in clearing the land of non-native invasive species. 

In our opinion, the tour was extremely informative and helpful in learning to understand how old space gets redesigned and reused to create better, cleaner, public space.  It is basically a giant land recycling program, taking the Fresh Kills area from landfill to park. 

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